This is Chemical Guys JetSeal Matte Sealant and Paint Protectant 16oz.
JetSeal Matte is the world’s first protective sealant formulated to help preserve the original crisp satin sheen on matte surfaces without adding unwanted shine or gloss.
Help repel water spots, bug and bird residue, road grimePreserving that stunning OEM matte sheenHelping prevent fading and discoloration Protect in the harshest environmentsKeep matte surfaces silky and satinyChemicals of Concern:Chemicals on CA SB 258 designated list: NoneFragrance allergen included on Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No. 1223/2009 as required to be labeled by the EU Detergents Regulation No. 647/2004.: NoneChemicals on CA SB 258 designated list: NoneFragrance allergen included on Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No. 1223/2009 as required to be labeled by the EU Detergents Regulation No. 647/2004.: None