This is Chemical Guys Tire Kicker Extra Glossy Tire Shine 16oz.
Tire Kicker is a sprayable water-based dressing that allows anyone to recreate that kickable bright wet shine of brand new cars on tires and other rubber, vinyl, and plastic around your car.
Lay down a shine that will get you kicking your tires all over againEnhance a deep black shineRestore new black look to trimHelp prevent future fading from sunlightAchieve perfect non-slippery feelChemicals of Concern:Chemicals on CA SB 258 designated list: NoneFragrance allergen included on Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No. 1223/2009 as required to be labeled by the EU Detergents Regulation No. 647/2004.: NoneChemicals on CA SB 258 designated list: NoneFragrance allergen included on Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No. 1223/2009 as required to be labeled by the EU Detergents Regulation No. 647/2004.: None