This is Chemical Guys Wet Mirror Gloss Magnifying Glaze 16oz.
Wet Mirror Finish is the unique gloss-magnifying glaze that takes any vehicle’s shine to the next level while reducing static charge on the vehicle surface to minimize dirt and dust adhesion.
Reduce friction and static chargeLevel out an uneven paint surfaceDeepen the depth of dark colors Warm the glow on light colorsRepel fresh dust from stickingChemicals of Concern:Chemicals on CA SB 258 designated list: NoneFragrance allergen included on Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No. 1223/2009 as required to be labeled by the EU Detergents Regulation No. 647/2004.: NoneChemicals on CA SB 258 designated list: NoneFragrance allergen included on Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No. 1223/2009 as required to be labeled by the EU Detergents Regulation No. 647/2004.: None